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Can a Scratched Eye Heal on Its Own?

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A young woman holds a hand against her scratched eye with a pained expression on her face.

Our eyes are one of the most important and sensitive parts of our body, yet they face exposure to potential harm almost daily. 

Among the many eye issues people encounter, having a scratched eye—also known as a corneal abrasion—is fairly common. But can a scratched eye truly heal on its own? While many cases do resolve naturally, understanding the causes, symptoms, and when to seek medical attention can ensure the best outcome for your eye health. 

At Total Vision Long Beach, we encourage you to book regular eye exams with our team to ensure your eyes stay healthy and your vision stays clear.

What Causes a Scratched Eye?

A scratched eye can happen in a blink—literally. The cornea, the clear dome-shaped tissue covering the front of your eye, is vulnerable to irritation and injury. Here are some common ways it might occur:

  • Physical trauma: A foreign object like sand, dirt, or a finger brushing against your eye can lead to damage. Something as tiny as an eyelash can cause trouble if it scratches your cornea while you rub your eye.
  • Contact lens wear: Improper use of contact lenses, such as wearing them too long or not cleaning them properly, can irritate and scratch the surface of your eye.
  • Environmental factors: Strong winds may blow particles like dust or debris into your eyes. For those who work in dusty or hazardous environments, this risk is even greater.
  • Pets and children: Pets and small children surprisingly cause a significant number of scratched eyes, often from playful movements that inadvertently result in a scratch.

What Are the Symptoms?

A scratched eye is usually hard to miss. Symptoms can surface immediately after the injury and can vary depending on the severity of the scratch. Common symptoms include:

  • A gritty or burning feeling, as if something is stuck in your eye
  • Eye redness and watering
  • Sensitivity to light (photophobia)
  • Blurred vision or difficulty focusing
  • Eye pain or discomfort, especially when blinking

If you notice any of these signs, it’s vital to take them seriously, as an untreated corneal abrasion could lead to infection or other complications.

How Does the Eye Heal?

The cornea has an amazing ability to heal itself, and many minor scratches repair naturally within 24 to 48 hours. However, several factors can influence the healing process, such as your overall eye health, the size and depth of the scratch, and whether it becomes infected.

During the healing process, your eye produces extra tears to flush out debris and support tissue repair. You might find that resting your eye and avoiding exposure to irritants (like bright lights) can speed recovery. Over-the-counter lubricating eye drops can also provide relief by keeping the eye moist.

However, it’s important not to take matters into your own hands. For example, you should never rub your eye after a scratch, as it can worsen the damage. Avoid using redness-relief or medicated eye drops unless suggested by a healthcare professional, as some products might irritate your cornea.

A patient discusses safety eyewear with her optometrist.

When Should You Seek Medical Attention?

While it’s true that minor corneal abrasions often heal on their own, there are situations where seeing an eye doctor is essential. Consider seeking professional care if:

  • Pain Persists: If eye pain doesn’t improve significantly after a day or two, it may indicate a deeper injury.
  • Vision Is Impacted: Blurred or reduced vision is a sign that something more serious could be at play.
  • Signs of Infection Appear: Symptoms like yellow or green discharge, swelling, and worsening redness point to an infection.
  • The Injury Is Severe. Larger or deeper scratches may need specialized treatment to heal correctly.

At Total Vision Long Beach, we have the tools and expertise to thoroughly examine your eye. We make sure that your eye heals properly and provide treatments like antibiotic eye drops if needed. Not addressing a scratched eye early may lead to complications, including scarring or infections, which can threaten your vision in the long run.

Preventive Measures for a Scratch-Free Future

Although not all scratches are avoidable, taking proactive steps can reduce the risks. Here are some tips for protecting your eyes:

  • Wear protective eyewear. If you work in hazardous environments or participate in high-risk sports, goggles or safety glasses are a must.
  • Handle contact lenses carefully. Always wash your hands before touching your lenses, avoid sleeping in them (unless prescribed otherwise), and replace them as recommended.
  • Practice good hygiene. Wash your hands often and avoid directly touching your eyes or sharing items like towels or makeup.
  • Be extra cautious with small children or pets. It’s hard to predict their sudden movements, so keeping a bit of distance while playing can prevent accidental scratches.
  • Use good habits in dusty or windy environments. When the weather forecast says windy or dusty conditions, wear sunglasses or eyewear to shield your eyes from flying debris.

Understanding how to manage and prevent a scratched eye can make a big difference in your long-term eye health. Though it may seem like a minor injury, addressing it promptly and carefully is essential to avoid unnecessary complications.

When in Doubt, Visit an Eye Doctor

Your eyes are worth protecting, and even minor injuries deserve attention. If you’re unsure about the severity of a scratched eye, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Trusted eye care providers like Total Vision Long Beach specialize in handling everything from routine exams to emergency eye care. Our professional guidance can help you recover quickly and avoid any lasting effects.

Remember, your vision is precious and irreplaceable. By recognizing the signs of a scratched cornea, knowing when to seek help, and taking preventive measures, you’re one step closer to keeping your eyes healthy and your world in focus. Book an appointment with us today!

Written by Total Vision

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